Episode 1

Published on:

23rd Sep 2020

Death of Badassery

The fu*king M’s are getting on my every nerve right now, like WTF, why dare you enter my life with this?

Death of badassery, why dare you flood my social media? GET AWAY FROM ME… I don’t like you


It’s all around me creeping up like slithering dementors sucking the world dry of everything awesome



Mentioned in this episode:

Check this out if you want to create breakthrough success... on repeat!

If you want to create breakthrough success… and then again… and again… then get the Idea to Action in 69m workshop for only $27 It’s helping countless entrepreneurs, business owners and maverick minds to birth big ideas on demand and unlock leaps You've guessed it... it's basically a workshop on getting out of your own way, deciding on your next big thing and getting the things that truly matter done But I can't help but share the freedom this has given me.. 🔥 freedom from figuring out all.the.things 🔥 freedom from overthinking every little detail 🔥 freedom from second guessing and doubting And I want that for you too! 69 minutes from now, you could have your next big idea, your first big powermoves and the fire to press GO Oh… by the way, it’s never about right time, readiness or figuring out how you need to change That’s all nonsense Click the link below and hop aboard xx Anita

Idea to Action in 69min

Show artwork for BE THE THING personal growth for maverick minds

About the Podcast

BE THE THING personal growth for maverick minds
Mindset, growth and transformation for entrepreneurs, maverick minds and wild souls living it all
If you’re a wild soul, a crazy creative, maverick leader, a groundbreaking, game-changing entrepreneur and a badass living for the fire within and for purpose… then you and I are gonna be great friends.

You’ve found a no fluff, ad-free podcast with short and to the point tips, tricks and strategies for being the things you were born to be, maverick mindset, personal growth and living it all.

There’s inspiration, fire talk, purpose preaching and a whole lot of cursing. But most of all, BE THE THING is where you remember who TF you are and what you came for. It’s where you shake off your mediocre and step up for all the things you were born for.

Hi, I'm Anita

I’m the firestarter, the rebel and rule breaker, the activator of power, passion and purpose, and the wild soul pushing you to be what you came here to be, TO BE THE MOTHERFUCKING THING, for wild lives, for living it all, for purpose

That's what happens when you're in my energy... you remember who you are and what you came here for. And suddenly the good shit becomes simple.

Power, passion, purpose and wild leadership is my thing, my BIG BIG, my BE THE THING. A fellow wild one like you, born with a mission, a purpose so strong it's the fire in my veins. An expert in leadership coaching psychology, positive psychology, management, business and leadership theories, I live and breathe smacking badasses to own what they were born to be

To let the wild out… to live the magic

To be the messenger of power, passion and big dreams

To be the frequency and revel in the sorcery of it all

Always the leader… always shaking shit up… always the rule breaker… learning by trial and many errors… but who’s counting... LOL

Like you, I have that extra power running through my system

The drive that wants the extra… to go further… to accomplish

And I will never tolerate myself getting in my own way

I'm too important for that

What my clients have in common: badasses, mavericks and creative go-getters in all industries that get shit done

The problem they have in common: allowing their own power to get in their way

The simple solution that sends them soaring: STOP MAKING THINGS COMPLICATED AND BE THE THING

If this isn’t you… we’re not gonna be great friends. And you’d better scoot off before becoming scarred for life by my colourful language and fire preaching.

Before you dive in…

I’d love for you to join us wild souls in my Facebook group BE THE THING

Click the link and ask to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bethething

be the thing and the rest follows

Anita Sig
Activator of Personal Power, Passion & Purpose
Transformation Coach, Maverick Mindset Expert & Magical Mofo


About your host

Profile picture for Anita Sig

Anita Sig

If you’re a wild thing, a crazy creator, a leader, a groundbreaking, game-changing entrepreneur and a badass detesting the rules and shoulds of everything but lives for the fire within, for purpose, the genius madness and living it all… then you're my kind of person.

Hi, I'm Anita

Activating your purposeful greatness is my thing, my purpose, my MOTHERFU*KING THING. A fellow wild one like you, born with a mission, a purpose so strong it's the fire in my veins. An expert in leadership coaching psychology, management, business and leadership theories, I live and breathe personal power, passion and purpose.

And I'm no stranger to shitting on my purpose every now and then. Any wild one not owning that is lying. We all do this. Growth, transformation, destruction and creation is our DNA . When you stay past the expiry date on how grand you see yourself, when you insist staying in the skin you've long outgrown, you shitfu*k yourself and die a little on the inside.

YOU'RE MADE FOR MOVING, CREATING AND BEING THE THING. We're the change agents and forcing ourselves in meh, bleh and mediocrity means shriveling up like a prune and death of all things epic. We just can't.

If this isn’t you… we’re not gonna be great friends. And you’d better scoot off before becoming scarred for life by my colorful language and fire preaching.

Before you dive in…

I’d love for you to join us wild souls in my Facebook group PLAYGROUND

Click the link and ask to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/playersandplaygrounds

be all that you are and the rest follows
Anita 'The Firestarter' Sig

Activator of Personal Power, Passion & Purpose
Leadership Consultant & Greatness Catalyst for Wild Ones
